DIGITAL EPHEMERA is a collaborative art event, connecting artists, coders, and engineers in the St. Louis region!

  • Installation by Spencer Anne

  • Maxi Glamour

  • Mutant Metal Works

  • Mammoth Piano

  • 18andcounting

  • Charles Comstock

  • Nimbus Visual Arts

  • Light Lab

  • Deborah Katon

  • Ann Johnson

  • Evil Charlie

  • Kota Pop Studios

  • Trent Giger / Subseed

  • Sarina Starchild in Deborah Katon's Kaleidoscope

  • Ryan McCoy and Ben Bradshaw


Saint Louis is a town with many creatives, and a vibrant and growing tech scene. However, how often do those worlds collide?

Digital Ephemera will be an art show that attempts to build some bridges between the art world and the tech world in St. Louis.

We hope to give artists in our city a chance to play with technologies they haven’t worked with before, and give coders, engineers and technicians a creative outlet to bring visions to life.

Our inaugural collaborative art show happened in late March of 2024! We hope to return bigger and better next year!

If you want to help with the next one, whether it’s finding sponsors, referring artists, sharing resources, or anything else, get in contact!

“Ephemera” are “things that exist to be enjoyed or used for only a short time”. For the concept of the show, “digital ephemera” are technical projects that are done just for the fun of experimentation, with no expectation of usefulness beyond artistic expression.

The hope is that together, we can create a playful, experimental environment - one where we can try out our “one off” ideas together. These experiments with tech might be short-lived, lasting only the duration of the show - but how much of our digital environment is now disposable, lasting only the 3-7 seconds it is on our screen?

The ways that we interact with tech don’t have to be permanent - by learning the skills that underlay our technologies, we can reimagine how we use them.